Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Annals of Health Research is a peer-reviewed journal of medical and health-related sciences meant to disseminate research works and ideas in the fields of medicine and allied health and social sciences with the ultimate goals of enhancing knowledge, improving practice and encouraging practice-centred research.

The Annals of Health Research is published twice yearly, in the moths of June and December. This journal publishes original communications in the form of original research, high-quality case reports, short communications, letters to the editor and systematic reviews on clinical medicine (surgery, surgical specialities, paediatrics, internal medicine, public health, obstetrics and gynaecology), laboratory medicine and other specialities in the basic medical sciences, the allied health sciences and health-related social sciences. Articles in form of Narrative Reviews, Personal Practice, Personal Opinions and Commentaries will only be invited from renowned experts in the concerned fields by the Editors.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process


The operations of the editorial board of the journal are in conformity with the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) [www.icmje.org]. All manuscripts are subjected to an initial round of in-house editorial review and only manuscripts of satisfactory quality are processed further at the external peer review stage. The journal employs a double-blinded style of peer-review process usually conducted by experts in the relevant specialties. Guided by the reports obtained from the editorial review and the peer review processes, the editorial board determines the suitability of every manuscript. Editorial decisions are usually communicated to the authors within eight weeks of submission.

Upon acceptance, the editorial board reserves the exclusive right to edit manuscripts (from the title to the references, including tables and figures) to meet the journal’s style prior to publishing. The journal abhors duplication of data already published in other journals (even when certain cosmetic changes/additions are made) and plagiarism of any form, and considers such major publication misconducts.

The Editorial Board uses intrinsic mechanisms for detecting data falsifications, fabrications, duplications and plagiarism and where detected, such acts shall be officially addressed according to the provisions of the ICMJE. Such cases of publication frauds shall be treated with
outright rejection or retraction and the authors shall be
blacklisted and shall be officially reported to their institutions.


The articles and other materials published in the Annals of Health Research are protected by the Nigerian Copyright laws. The journal owns the copyright over every article, scientific and intellectual materials published in it. However, the journal reserves the right to grant all authors, users and researchers, access to the materials published in the journal with the permission to copy, use and distribute the materials contained therein only for academic, scientific and non-commercial purposes.

 The views, information and opinions expressed and presented in the articles and other materials published in the journal only reflect the submission of the respective authors. Neither the journal, the editorial team, the editorial board, other agents and representatives of the journal nor the publishers of the journal assumes liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and validity of the contents of the materials so published in the journal. Therefore, only manuscripts accompanied with the signed Copyright Transfer/ Undertaking Form will be processed.


Publication Frequency

Twice a year publication (June and December).


Article Purchase

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The editor should be contacted for details of the methods of payment: annalsofhealthresearch@gmail.com 



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